Jotai has an atomWithStorage function in the utils bundle for persistence that supports persisting state in sessionStorage
, localStorage
, AsyncStorage
, or the URL hash.
There are also several alternate implementations here:
A simple pattern with localStorage
const strAtom = atom(localStorage.getItem('myKey') ?? 'foo')const strAtomWithPersistence = atom((get) => get(strAtom),(get, set, newStr) => {set(strAtom, newStr)localStorage.setItem('myKey', newStr)})
A helper function with localStorage and JSON parse
const atomWithLocalStorage = (key, initialValue) => {const getInitialValue = () => {const item = localStorage.getItem(key)if (item !== null) {return JSON.parse(item)}return initialValue}const baseAtom = atom(getInitialValue())const derivedAtom = atom((get) => get(baseAtom),(get, set, update) => {const nextValue =typeof update === 'function' ? update(get(baseAtom)) : updateset(baseAtom, nextValue)localStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(nextValue))})return derivedAtom}
(Error handling should be added.)
A helper function with AsyncStorage and JSON parse
This requires onMount.
const atomWithAsyncStorage = (key, initialValue) => {const baseAtom = atom(initialValue)baseAtom.onMount = (setValue) => {;(async () => {const item = await AsyncStorage.getItem(key)setValue(JSON.parse(item))})()}const derivedAtom = atom((get) => get(baseAtom),(get, set, update) => {const nextValue =typeof update === 'function' ? update(get(baseAtom)) : updateset(baseAtom, nextValue)AsyncStorage.setItem(key, JSON.stringify(nextValue))})return derivedAtom}
Don't forget to check out the Async documentation for more details on how to use async atoms.
Usage in Async actions
When using an asynchronous storage, the reading of the created atoms are asynchronous too. That comes with some limitations. Before useAtom
has been called at least once, the value is not set.
This can cause an issue, for example, if you want to retrieve the value of your stored atom in an async action (write-only atom).
Let's use the atomWithStorage function in the utils bundle for the examples, so that we have more options available.
const storage = createJSONStorage(() => AsyncStorage)const userId = atomWithStorage('user-id-key', null, storage)const userInfo = atom({})const fetchUserInfo = atom(null, async (get, set, payload: any) => {const id = get(userId) // This throws an error if "userId" is not loaded yetconst info = await fetch('' + id)set(userInfo, info)})
We want to make sure the action will never fail. As always with asynchronous flow in Jotai, we have 2 options: with or without Suspense.
With Suspense
You may want to preload atoms at root level of your app directly:
const Preloader = () => {useAtomValue(userId) // Trigger the "onMount" function that will load the data from the storereturn null}
const Root = () => {return (<Suspense fallback={<Text>Hydrating...<Text>}><Preloader /> {/* Wait for atoms to preload */}<App /> {/* Rest of your app */}</Suspense>)}
Without Suspense
// We add the "delayInit: true" option to tell jotai not to use Suspenseconst storage = { ...createJSONStorage(() => AsyncStorage), delayInit: true }const userId = atomWithStorage('user-id-key', null, storage)const userInfo = atom({})const fetchUserInfo = atom(null, async (get, set, payload: any) => {let id = get(userId)if (id === null) {// We make sure to preload if no value has yet been loadedid = await AsyncStorage.getItem('user-id-key')}const info = await fetch('' + id)set(userInfo, info)})
But always remember jotai is un-opinionated and your workflow may not need preloading at all.
A serialize atom pattern
const serializeAtom = atom<null,| { type: 'serialize'; callback: (value: string) => void }| { type: 'deserialize'; value: string }>(null, (get, set, action) => {if (action.type === 'serialize') {const obj = {todos: get(todosAtom).map(get),}action.callback(JSON.stringify(obj))} else if (action.type === 'deserialize') {const obj = JSON.parse(action.value)// needs error handling and type checkingset(todosAtom, Todo) => atom(todo)))}})const Persist: React.FC = () => {const [, dispatch] = useAtom(serializeAtom)const save = () => {dispatch({type: 'serialize',callback: (value) => {localStorage.setItem('serializedTodos', value)},})}const load = () => {const value = localStorage.getItem('serializedTodos')if (value) {dispatch({ type: 'deserialize', value })}}return (<div><button onClick={save}>Save to localStorage</button><button onClick={load}>Load from localStorage</button></div>)}
A pattern with atomFamily
const serializeAtom = atom<null,| { type: 'serialize'; callback: (value: string) => void }| { type: 'deserialize'; value: string }>(null, (get, set, action) => {if (action.type === 'serialize') {const todos = get(todosAtom)const todoMap: Record<string, { title: string; completed: boolean }> = {}todos.forEach((id) => {todoMap[id] = get(todoAtomFamily({ id }))})const obj = {todos,todoMap,filter: get(filterAtom),}action.callback(JSON.stringify(obj))} else if (action.type === 'deserialize') {const obj = JSON.parse(action.value)// needs error handling and type checkingset(filterAtom, obj.filter)obj.todos.forEach((id: string) => {const todo = obj.todoMap[id]set(todoAtomFamily({ id, ...todo }), todo)})set(todosAtom, obj.todos)}})const Persist: React.FC = () => {const [, dispatch] = useAtom(serializeAtom)const save = () => {dispatch({type: 'serialize',callback: (value) => {localStorage.setItem('serializedTodos', value)},})}const load = () => {const value = localStorage.getItem('serializedTodos')if (value) {dispatch({ type: 'deserialize', value })}}return (<div><button onClick={save}>Save to localStorage</button><button onClick={load}>Load from localStorage</button></div>)}